Pros and Cons of Vegan Diets

Pros and Cons of Vegan Diets
Vegan Diets

Whether you are a vegetarian or if you are considering being one, it is recommended that you take a look at the following text.

Let it be clear that with this article I am not positioning myself against or in favor of vegetarianism, much less want to sow controversy; I just rely on purely scientific evidence.

Pros and cons of vegan diets

Vegetarianism as such is not simply a fad today: it exists and has existed in diverse cultures since antiquity.

There is also a variety of vegetarian diets: some in which only a little meat is allowed; others in which fish is ingested instead of meat; Lacto-vegetarian, which of all foods of animal origin only accepts dairy; the ovo-lacto-vegetarian, which accepts eggs and dairy products and, finally, the strict vegan, which only includes foods of plant origin, thus rejecting meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, and even honey.

 Advantages of vegan diets:

- A well-planned vegan diet -that is, in which there is no lack of essential nutrients- can be very beneficial for the health regarding the prevention and treatment of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease and some types Of cancer.

- It is low in saturated fat and cholesterol since the latter is only found in animal products.

Virtually all foods found today are processed and contain large amounts of fats, salt, and additives that are not at all favorable to health.

In contrast, products of plant origin are mostly free of them. But beware !: those made with rapeseed, coconut and palm oils are high in saturated and hydrogenated fats and it is advisable to avoid them.

It is rich in fiber, nutrient-deficient in current diets, but necessary to maintain adequate digestive health, prevention of colon cancer, glycemic regulation and prevention, and treatment of obesity.

Disadvantages of vegan diets:

- In a diet based only on ingredients of plant origin, attention should be paid to eating sufficient amounts of protein, iron, vitamin B12, calcium and omega 3 fatty acids, which come mostly from animal foods.

-There is a wide variety of nutritional supplements on the market, but you should keep in mind if it really compensates you both healthily and economically enrich your diet based on them.

- It is not advisable to follow this type of feeding during childhood, adolescence, pregnancy, lactation and senior citizens.

In these physiological stages, a complete diet should be followed, given that the nutritional requirements are much higher and, in most cases, special dietary guidelines are required.

- It is often difficult when adopting this type of food, to plan the menu thoroughly to avoid shortcomings.

It is also, sometimes, going out with friends to eat outside, since in most contexts there are no dishes only of plant origin.

In the case of existing, many contain ingredients of "hidden" animal origin. As if that were not enough, vegetarians are continually exposed to the curiosity and skepticism that their eating habits generate.

In summary, the healthiness of the diet does not depend in itself on beliefs, but on the adequate contribution of each of the nutrients to it, guaranteeing at all times a good nutritional quality and an adequate nutritional profile.

It is vital, therefore, if it is decided to take this type of food, to follow it under the control of a Nutrition professional who will advise us and guarantee that we are covered nutritionally.

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