What's Coming Next? (Plus A Bit of Fun)

Version 1.0 has been out for a couple of weeks now and the response has been great. The mod has been featured on multiple gaming sites, downloaded more than 5.000 times and 1.0 launch trailer has been viewed more than 110.000 times. So what's next?

The Future of Remako

With version 1.0, most of Final Fantasy VII's graphics have been improved and most of the major kinks have been ironed out.

There are still some areas that could use improving. I didn't get around to improving the magical effects textures as there were some roadblocks that prevented me from completing them, which I only noticed when I got too close to the release of 1.0. There are also some other textures that could still use a higher resolution remake. Think the HUD in the various minigames.

However, I won't get around to this immediately. I have spent a lot of time on Remako, especially in the two weeks leading up to the release. So first want to do another project first. Besides, you guys are still playing through v1.0 :D

My Next Project

Many people have asked me to upscale FF8 or FF9. I can tell you know, that at the moment this is not something I want to do. Unlike with FF7, I don't have a connection with these two games. Also, with FF9 there is already a mod that upscales the graphics. It looks quite good, so check it out.

For my next project, I wanted to remaster a game that is as special to me (if not more) than Final Fantasy VII is to me. But I also wanted it to be a different style of game from FF7. Here are some hints to what that game is:
  • It's a sequel to another classic game
  • It's not a JRPG
  • It doesn't have pre-rendered graphics
What game this is, I will reveal in the coming weeks. Can you guess which game it is? The first one to guess it will get a shoutout in the mod itself or its launch trailer.

A Little Bit of Fun

To round off this post I wanted to share something fun I've been putting together this weekend.

I remade the FF7 Remake Trailer from Sony's State of Play event in FF7-PC. Naturally, I used Remako v1.0, but I used a lot of other great mods as well. You can find the full mod list down in the video's YouTube description.

This was a lot of fun to make, if only because it made me really analyze the original trailer. Quite a lot of scenes aren't in the 1997 game, so I had to go through a lot of trouble to find alternatives for some scenes and locations.

Let me know what you think in the comments below.

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